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...a Bible-Worker

One of the most fruitful investments on earth, is to sponsor a fully-trained AFCOE Africa graduate in full-time Bible-work for evangelistic seminars and local churches.  For just $150 a month, you can sponsor a passionate soul-winner to continue working for God, either in their home country, or in some other needy mission field in Africa.  When you sponsor a graduate, you’ll receive monthly reports and updates of the Bible worker’s activities and the lives touched by their outreach ministry. 
"An American business man, who was an earnest Christian, in conversation with a fellow worker, remarked that he himself worked for Christ twenty-four hours of the day. 'In all my business relations,' he said, 'I try to represent my Master. As I have opportunity, I try to win others to Him. All day I am working for Christ. And at night, while I sleep, I have a man working for Him in China.' In explanation, He added: 'In my youth I determined to go as a missionary to the heathen. But on the death of my father I had to take up his business in order to provide for the family. Now, instead of going myself, I support a missionary. In such a town of such a province of China, my worker is stationed. And so, even while I sleep, I am, through my representative, still working for Christ.'" (Christian Service, p. 170, 171)
That can be your experience when you sponsor a AFCOE - trained Bible worker!
To sponsor an AFCOE - trained Bible-worker in Africa, please mark your gift:
Thank You!
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